Company Type:
0.1% CTR
Tactics Used:
Targeted Programmatic Ads: Geo-Fencing, Site Retargeting, Keyword Search Targeting, Category Contextual Targeting
Challenge Outline:
A furniture store was looking to drive specific action on their website, reach more of their target audience and increase their CTR. They enlisted the help of Grenis to utilize new geo-fencing technology and several other tactics with the goal of achieving a .1% CTR.
The advertiser identified the key locations to reach their target audience, focusing on nearby competitor stores. The Grenis team then developed a comprehensive strategy of geo-fencing to target those locations, combined with search retargeting at the keyword level, category contextual targeting and site retargeting to increase reach to the relevant audience. The Grenis team and our multivariate algorithms worked to further optimize the campaign and drive up the CTR mid-flight by adding keywords and category contextual elements, and introducing mobile-optimized creative. Due to these adjustments, the overall CTR increased significantly from the first week to the fourth and final week of the campaign.

Grenis Media was able to deliver a .21% CTR, more than doubling the client’s goal. Using conversion pixels, the advertiser was able to track the number of online user actions, defined as clicking on the Find A Retailer button or visiting the Locations/Search Results pages, and the Cost Per Action.